Our clients learn to recognize the psychological state of burnout and cultivate the opposite: a Burn-in Mindset.
Burnout isn’t simply about workload.
It’s also about psychology.
Burn-in Mindset’s coaches break the cycle of psychological burnout and establish new, sustainable patterns in confidential, 1:1 conversations scheduled at the client’s convenience.
Our clients go to work with renewed energy, authentic optimism, and a confidence that challenges are within their control. Best of all, the dividends are not just individual: Research has shown that improving employee well-being can boost company performance by 11-55% (Aon).
Burned-in leaders feel better and perform better. Their example spreads optimism and boosts performance, positively impacting their teams and networks.
We teach business leaders skills that improve individual and collective well-being. When leaders stay in their roles and thrive, they model keystone habits that impact retention, productivity, engagement, and client relationships.
Our four-session core program teaches clients the fundamentals of positive psychology and the tools they need to thrive in the careers they’ve worked so hard to build. It’s an efficient “booster shot” to address the symptoms of burnout.
Because research shows that habits and well-being spread between people, the core program is most impactful done alongside a cohort of 5 or more within an organization. For this reason, we offer individual coaching on a limited basis.
After the core program, clients advance to their choice of 50+ hours of programming on topics ranging from delivering bad news and decision-making to belonging and emotional intelligence. Clients choose sessions based on individual interests to create custom packages.
Virtual and in-person presentations, keynotes, workshops, offsites, and retreats for groups of all sizes.
Group programs deepen and broaden the impact of Burn-in Mindset coaching. During custom-designed workshops, teams discuss psychological concepts, explore their application in the workplace, and develop strategies to share skills with their teams. This is a great way to foster meaningful growth and development at the director level and above within leadership teams, mentorship programs, and high potential employee (HIPO) groups.
Enhance well-being for people of color, LGBTQ+ employees, and people in various life stages (new parents, caretakers, etc.) through workshops, speaking events, and 1:1 coaching that examines the psychology of …
• Social connection
• Well-being across diverse identities
• Bias regulation
• Emotional regulation
• Conflict resolution
• Diversity as a driver of harmony and strength
• Burnout and belongingJenn Beatty is Burn-in Mindset’s VP of Intergroup Relations and a researcher and practitioner of the psychology of race, bias, and emotion. Jenn’s research background is in designing large-scale social psychology interventions around difficult behavior change (i.e., forthcoming Beatty, Rozek & Lai, 2023). She is an expert facilitator for groups ranging in size and experience informed by training on courage and vulnerability from Dr. Brené Brown.
Our university-backed, proprietary research shows that all leaders experience some amount of burnout — but only a select few stay in their field and thrive. We coach those select few.
Our clients are experienced experts who grow, advance, and influence their networks with the support of executive coaches and an evidence-based curriculum. Our coaches understand the struggles of top leaders and respond with easy-to-implement positive psychology tools.
"There are Significant Business Costs to Replacing Employees"
by the Center for American Progress (2012)
“It’s not rocket science,
but it is science.”
— Julia Pool
Founder and CEO | Burn-in Mindset
Burn-in Mindset inspires lightbulb moments. Clients gain perspective as they reflect on and apply research-based strategies to their work. It’s not rocket science — but it is science.

Research shows that leaders with high levels of
well-being impart energy and optimism to their teams.
At intake, we survey the frequency and intensity of clients’ burnout symptoms. After four coaching sessions, 96% report an increase in burn-in symptoms, and 87% report a decrease in burnout symptoms. 100% of clients report higher engagement at work.
“After working with Burn-in Mindset, I can better preserve my energy, use my strengths, and achieve my desired results at work and home, despite an always changing and often ambiguous world.”
Nike Technology Director, Product Management and Merchandising
“I appreciated the structured nature of the program. This is a differentiator compared to other programs I have been through and helped us to make the decision to offer Burn-in across our whole team.”
George Vinton
CEO and Founder, Common Group
“The Burn-in Mindset sessions helped me to not only identify my character strengths—not something I'd ever dedicated much time to—but also how to lean into and trust those strengths, as key to feeling effective and energized in my work.”
Hannah Blunt
Executive Director, Langlais Art Preserve
“Balancing the demands of a new, very demanding role at my organization was becoming increasingly difficult for me. I began to see early signs of burnout - ones I had experienced at a previous role that led me to actually leave that work. I love my job and my team, and I wanted to get ahead of this before ultimately feeling pushed to a new opportunity. With my coach’s help, I was immediately able to leverage our work in a discussion I had set up with senior leaders about making my new role within the organization more sustainable. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of me!”
Marissa Connelly
Managing Director, Marketing & Communications; Teach for America